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Supporting governing boards across the country 


Who are we?

Governance- Connected was formed in 2018.  As its founder, I have been a governor /trustee since 2003 and have also worked in and led a Local Authority governance support service, as well as previously spending nearly a decade on the other side of the table being directly accountable to a board of directors.  Since 2018 we have grown to a team of approximately 35 colleagues located across the country and are now supporting governance in around 140* schools and academy trusts boards nationwide predominantly via virtual means.    


What's our why? 

We passionately believe that every child is entitled to be educated, supported and do as well in the school they attend as they could anywhere, including in those schools recognised to be the best in the land.  We are equally passionate that committed, confident, collaborative and ultimately effective governance is crucial to meeting this ambition. 


What are our values? 

Professional integrity 

Servant leadership

Independence of voice

Harnessing collective wisdom 

Innovative pathfinding practice

High quality at the best possible cost - prioritising seeking to make a difference, not chase a profit 

How we can help you

Information, support, organisation and guidance for the modern governing board

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GovernorHub PLUS

A Collaborative Approach

GovernorHub is the sector leading virtual office platform for academy trust and school governing boards, offering secure yet easily accessible document storage, membership management and communication tools.    We  work in partnership with the team at GovernorHub to supplement their offer with a knowledgeable and pragmatic advice line, original and curated good practice resources, blogs, and more, to help make life as easy as possible for busy governing boards.


Our longstanding relationship with GovernorHub allows us to offer both their basic board tools package and new 'GovernorHub knowledge' package at heavily discounted rates.   


GovernorHub tools only - £150 plus VAT

GovernorHub knowledge (formerly The Key for School Governors) - from £450 plus VAT including GovernorHub tools)

Clerking Service

Expert Guidance

Strong, well informed, organised and accurate clerking that really understands governance, together with the terminology and the ebbs and flows of the school year can make such a difference to the effectiveness (and the stress levels!) of governing boards. 


Drawing on the expertise of colleagues with extensive relevant experience,   we offer a friendly, flexible and professional service that removes the administrative burden from governing boards and school leaders, freeing them to get on with the business of governing and leading their organisation, confident in the knowledge that they are procedurally compliant. 


We charge on an hourly rate basis so you only ever pay for the service you receive.  While we would naturally advocate a full wrap around service, we recognise that budgets are pressurised and work with you to provide a service you can afford

Trustee and governor training and development

The Path to Success

The governing board is accountable in law for the appropriate oversight and ultimate success of the school or schools it governs.    We don't believe this is something that very many governors can effectively contribute towards without accessing appropriate information and opportunities to discuss that information. 


We offer a comprehensive and competitively priced tutor/facilitator led online programme of development sessions covering all aspects of school and trust governance available for individual trustees or governors to attend. 


We can also offer sessions tailored for your governing board which can be delivered online or  face to face (location dependent) 



Recent feedback about our service

Steve Warren, Academy Business Director at St Nicolas School, Bucks (December 23)

''We were unfortunate to have to need an Independent Review Panel for a recent permanent exclusion after the parent appealed. This led us to need professional outside assistance to arrange and run what would be our first ever IRP. Governance-Connected were professional from the outset, they reassured us that that they would deal with all aspects of the IRP up to and including the sourcing of panel members. They provided a clear SLA from the outset which was extremely cost effective when compared to other offerings. They managed the process effectively throughout taking all the stress away from the school. I would highly recommend Governance-Connected to any schools in the event they too need and IRP arranging quickly and correctly.'''



Clare McAleer - Slough & East Berkshire Multi Academy Trust (December 23)


Governance Connected have undertaken a couple of independent reviews for our Trust recently. With the increase in requests for these panels it has been imperative to find a quality provider to ensure a fair and legal process for families and school.


Governance Connected provides a comprehensive and complete service. From administration of the letters and documents, appointment of the independent panel members and arranging and clerking the hearing they take control of the whole process.  The panel members are experts in their fields and provide thorough challenge and review of the permanent exclusion hearing. The clerks supporting and coordinating the process are very professional and the quality of their work is to an excellent standard.  


As a governance manager it is imperative to know that these meetings are being undertaken professionally with fairness and transparency for all parties.  Governance Connected deliver a quality service with confidence.  



The process of arranging an IRP can be a very difficult, and the need for professional and independent clerking in line with the guidance is critical.  Governance Connected were excellent, the service they provided was exactly that, professional, efficient and compliant. The communication was great, the pack that was provided was well organised and referenced, and the panel members were knowledgeable and effective in their roles. Should we need IRP clerking services again we will not be looking elsewhere.’


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Independent Review Panels

We can provide trained and experienced governance professionals to support  Independent Review Panels (IRPs), following a non-reinstatement outcome of a permanent exclusion hearing.  


Our competitively priced service includes


  • Compilation of  IRP packs in liaison with the school/trust/parent as appropriate 

  • Circulation of documentation to all parties 

  • Attendance at the IRP meeting, taking high quality minutes and providing panel advice as required 

  • Production of  outcome letter and formal minutes, circulating them without delay 


In some areas of the country we are also able to help with providing panel members for these review meetings. 

Governance Connected
Registered Offfice: 22 Telegraph Hill, Higham, Rochester, Kent ME3 7NW
Company number: 11528328

07305 929205

©2018 by Governance Connected Ltd. Proudly created with

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